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“Jocasta seduces and is in turn seduced by her son who kills his father by chance. The desire to join the mother is the desire of the individual to return to his roots to be reborn regenerated to new life and therefore it is a desire for transformation ”(Jung 1912).

"Minoan" is a play about addictive love. The feather melted in the wax has no chance to fly, it remains trapped as in a cage. Only after a strong heat melts it can it be released. But its fabric will forever remain stained by contact with the wax.

Minoan 2 Minoan
Minoan 3 Minoan
Minoan 4 Minoan
Minoan 1 Minoan

Mixed technique: acrylic on wood, feathers, wax, aluminum, copper, gold leaf. | 2013 | Anthropomorphic representation of the Jocasta complex.

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