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Professional photographer for baptisms in Grosseto

There are moments and events in our life for which we need a memory that will remain over time.

The photo shoot for baptism it serves to pass on to one's child a tangible, indelible and exclusive memory of one of the most important moments in a family's life.

Here's how I do my job of photographer specializing in reportage for baptism in Grosseto. It all starts at the family home, where it will be possible to make the photo of preparation for baptism, as well as many natural images and without poses.

After the photos in the house we move to the church where the baptism ceremony

battesimo baptism grosseto monte argentario fotografo 6 BattesimoFor this kind of ceremonies, as well as for weddingscommunions And confirmations, use silent cameras without flash

I think it is very important to try not to disturb the intimate moment of baptism and of church ceremonies, for this I try to move with discretion and confidentiality. Furthermore, the use of the flash should be absolutely avoided for children who have not yet reached the first year of age because it could cause serious damage to the retina.

After the ceremony it's time for the classics photos of baptism with relatives, which we can decide to take on the altar or outside the church. 


Thereafter there is room for the mini creative service. I love this moment because it allows me to express myself freely and to give you beautiful images of your little boy or girl who are finally relaxed after the baptism in church.

At this point mine photo shoot for baptism in Grosseto ends, unless you want him to be present during the reception as well. 

In any case, all the moments that I have indicated to you can be freely chosen according to your needs and desires.

The photoshoot is enhanced with the print of a personalized photo album on professional photo paper or fine art. At my studio you can see one selection of covers for your baptism album and choose the one you like best: 

  • tissue; 
  • faux leather; 
  • plexiglass; 
  • real leather; 
  • exclusive velvety touch photographic cover with protective layer.

Contact me to book the date of yours photo shoot for baptism in Grosseto.

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