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Professional photographer for ceremonies in Grosseto

There are moments and events in our life for which we need a memory that will remain over time.

X0A3735 CeremoniesThe task of the wedding photographer it is also this, and I carry it out with passion and professionalism every day.

I realize photographic services for ceremonies and events how baptisms, communions, confirmations, eighteenth birthdays and much more.

My work as a wedding photographer led me to work a little' throughout the Grosseto area (city in which I also have my office).

On request I also produce video content for ceremonies (such as i professional wedding videos), so as to leave a memory that is not just made up of images.


wedding studio zanoni 5 CeremoniesA wedding photographer he is called to capture gods in an immutable instant moments, looks, gestures, smiles and emotions of'event that characterizes the day.

To do it better I create a real complete reportage, which tries to provide an overview as exhaustive as possible of everything that is relevant, so that you can scroll through the images whenever you want, bringing to mind the beauty of the ceremony.

To realize a photo shoot for ceremonies that is as complete as possible, usually include:

  • private shots, during the moments of preparation at home, with family and close relatives captured in photos just before the ceremony;
  • the phases of the actual ceremony, with the classic ritual photos that cover the entire duration of the function;
  • all moments related to party in the chosen restaurant.

If you are looking for a photographer for your ceremony in Grosseto, entrust yourself without delay to me, Giuseppe Zanoni, to relive the'event whenever you want.

Services for ceremonies
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