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Photographer and artist in Tuscany

"C.'was once a child who loved there'art, admired the paintings of famous artists and drew their own dreams. He drew everything: trees, skies, houses, snowy and spring landscapes, animals and humans. One day the child was intent on drawing the sea when a tourist approached him, she liked the drawing so much that she asked if she could buy it. The child stayed a while' perplexed by the request, he thought about it for a while and then gave her the drawing as a gift. 

L'year later the lady returned and met the child again; he had with him a brand new camera, a Pentax SLR with a 50mm lens which he gave to the child and told him: "If you like drawing so much try taking pictures too! " . The boy came home with eyes shining with emotion and showed the camera to his parents. For a few years he looked at the camera without using it, then one day he went to the beach where he usually drew, loaded the camera with a black and white film and took his first photo.. "

J1A1439 Edit 2 About meMy name is Giuseppe Zanoni and I'm a professional photographer for more than 30 years. 

The story you read above is clearly autobiographical and tells of my encounter with the camera, the moment my life changed. 

From that instant my attraction to photography became greater and greater, and in time I began to desire to work as a photographer. My career path began in the 1990s in Florence, at that time I found work as a photographer in the photojournalism agency of Massimo Sestini Florence.

The years with Massimo Sestini were exciting, an incredible whirlwind of experiences that will shape me forever. The comparison with the best Italian photographers, having lived through the last important period of Italian photojournalism (the magazine of reference was Epoca, which closed its doors in 1997) enriched my early experience as a photographer.

Gustav Klimt Judith II About meAfter my time at the agency, I felt it was time to start my own path and began working as a freelancer. My desire to create art materialized in parallel with photojournalism, I began to train as an artist and to hold photo exhibitions.

The first successes with the exhibitions at Biennial of Contemporary Art in Castel S.Angelo in Rome and al Palace of the Permanent of Milan as a finalist for the Mondadori Art Award stimulated me to continue the path I had started.

In 2009 the meeting with the photographer Marco Delogu offered me a change of perspective, after the experience of photojournalism and the artistic path started I had a new possibility, to know the advertising photography

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Delogu was doing photo campaigns for large companies nationwide; it was an opportunity to add an important brick to my professional skills. This experience will also be crucial for my artistic path because in 2010 I made one of the most important works for me, "Caravaggio MMX", eight reinterpretations in contemporary photography of the same works by the great painter Caravaggio.

This work will lead me to exhibit in numerous and important places such as Medici Riccardi Palace in Florence and the Luzzetti Collection Museum of Grosseto. 

In 2017, the Venice Civic Museums Foundation invites me to exhibit my "Judith and Holofernes" from the "Caravaggio MMX" series in the group exhibition "Around Klimt. Judith, heroism and seduction" at Candiani Cultural Center of Mestre

The exhibition revolves around the work of Gustav Klimt, the "Judith II"Coming from International Gallery of Modern Art of Venice. In addition to Klimt's Judith, the exhibition includes works by very important painters including Edvard Munch And Egon Schiele. Along with Sarah Lucas And Rocco Norman we are the only contemporary authors invited.

09 01 003 ok About meComing full circle, "the child who loved art and admired the paintings of famous artists" realizes his dream.

Today I live and work as a photographer in Grosseto, I opened a photographic studio dedicated to wedding photography and of portrait and I teach photography atTraining Agency of the Antonio Rosmini State High School.

Main personal exhibitions and publications 

2022 – "Caravaggio MMX”, Curated by Mauro Papa, Le Clarisse Cultural Center-Luzzetti Museum, Grosseto. Catalog edited by Tomaso Montanari. With the patronage of the Grosseto Cultura Foundation and the City of Grosseto.

2021 – "Perspective of Missing Instants”, Curated by Mauro Papa, Le Clarisse Cultural Center-Luzzetti Museum, Grosseto. With the patronage of the Grosseto Cultura Foundation and the City of Grosseto.

2017 – "The flowers I've never loved”, Curated by Mauro Papa, Le Clarisse Cultural Center-Luzzetti Museum, Grosseto. With the patronage of the Grosseto Cultura Foundation and the City of Grosseto.

2014 – "Caravaggio MMX”, Curated by Mauro Papa, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence. Catalog edited by Tomaso Montanari. With the patronage of the Province of Florence and the City of Florence. 

2012 – "Caravaggio MMX”, Curated by Mauro Papa, Bigi Church, Grosseto. Catalog edited by Tomaso Montanari. With the patronage of the Province of Grosseto and the City of Grosseto. 

2011- "Almost circular interstellar travel around a geocentric system”, Independent action during the Venice Biennale, 54. International Exhibition d'Art, Giardini della Biennale, Venice. 

2011- "Supper at Emmaus”, Oratorio S. Stefano Protomartire, Palermo (Medal of Merit from the Sicily Region). With the patronage of the Sicily Region and the City of Palermo. 

2010 – "Caravaggio MMX”, Ex Scuola Lombardo Radice Building, Porto Ercole. Catalog edited by Tomaso Montanari. With the patronage of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, the Region of Tuscany, the Province of Grosseto, the Municipality of Monte Argentario and the City of Caravaggio. With the participation of Canon and Fujifilm.  Collateral exhibition to the event “Caravaggio - Chiuder la vita” on the occasion of the four hundredth anniversary of the death of Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Church of San Erasmo, Porto Ercole. Curated by Valeria Merlini and Daniela Storti.

2008 – "Mosaicone”, Curated by Mauro Papa, Gallery of the Visual Arts Documentation Center, Grosseto. With the patronage of the Province of Grosseto and the City of Grosseto. 

Main collective exhibitions and publications 

2024 - "Dialogues. Contemporary artists confront the works of the Pinacoteca," curated by Claudia Gennari and Marta Paolini, Pinacoteca Civita di Follonica. Under the patronage of the City of Follonica, Museums of Maremma and Magma, Museum of Cast Iron Arts of Maremma.

2018 – "Extraordinary beauty”, Curated by Davide Sarchioni, with the collaboration of Maria Concetta Monaci and Dimitri Angelini. Il Frantoio Cultural Association, Palazzo Collacchioni, Capalbio. With the patronage of the Municipality of Capalbio.

2016 – "Around Klimt. Judith, Heroism and Seduction”, Curated by Gabriella Belli and Elisabetta Barisoni. Exhibition project by Pierluigi Pizzi. Venice Civic Museums Foundation, Candiani Cultural Center, Mestre. Catalog with contributions by Gabriella Belli, Flavio Caroli, Gian Piero Brunetta, Elisabetta Barisoni, Elena Marchetti and Matteo Piccolo. 

2016 "Paratissima, Cumulus”Curated by Corradina Rosetti and Ylenia Rose Testore, Torino Esposizioni, Turin (symbolic work of the exhibition). Catalog edited by Alessia Messina. 

2016 "Blueprints”, Curated by Roman Susan, Industrial Arts & Design Center, Chicago, USA. 

2015 "Celeste Award, Deserting Reality," curated by Alberto Zordan, Elisa Ossino, Stefania Vasques, Spazio Ex Bazzi, Milan. Finalist.

2012 "Bases Award", edited by Silvia Petronici, Cava di Pietra, Roselle. Catalog edited by Barbara Madrigali. Finalist and honorable mention.

2009 "Wiesbadener Fototage”, Curated by Reinhard Berg and Frank Deubel, Wiesbadener Rathaus, Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst und das Kunsthaus, Wiesbaden. Catalog edited by Mathias Haupt. 

2005 "Art Award", Mondadori Editore, Museo della Permanente, Milan. Finalist.

2004 "Intransito_ Biennale of Contemporary Art”, Curated by Andrea Bezziccheri, Castel S. Angelo, Rome. Catalog edited by Gabriele Mainetti. 

2003 "'Federico Vender' Contemporary Photography Award ”, Curated by Fulvio De Pellegrin, Palazzo dei Panni, Arco. Catalog edited by Heidi Lichtenberger. 


Acquired 2022. From the “Caravaggio MMX” series: Supper at Emmaus, Winning Love, Basket of Fruit, Narcissus, Portrait of Antonio Martelli, The Lute Player. Le Clarisse Cultural Center-Luzzetti Museum, Grosseto Cultura Foundation, Grosseto, Italy.

Acquired 2017. From the “Caravaggio MMX” series: Madonna dei Pellegrini. The Waiting OU. Local Health Authority Tuscany South East, Grosseto, Italy.

Acquired 2016. From the “Caravaggio MMX” series: Judith and Holofernes. Civic Museums of Venice Foundation, Venice, Italy.

Other publications 

2016 "David Hockney, Secret Knowledge, Rediscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters”Review by Francesco Mazzaferro 

2015 "Caravaggio or primeiro photographer?”Thesis by Bruno Borghi De Freitas - Universidade de Sao Paulo Escola De Communicacoes and Artes 

2013 "What Caravaggio would have painted today according to Giuseppe Zanoni - Interview”By Martina Podetti - Ninjamarketing 

2013 "Contemporary Caravaggio, would paint like this today”The Republic of Florence, by Laura Montanari 

2013 "Caravaggio: between Naturalism and photographic techniques”Thesis by Beatrice Mancini - Free Academy of Fine Arts - Florence 

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